Joey has been diagnosed with a serious health condition. During, the last hurricane that hit our Island, a tree knocked down the power lines that serviced C.A.S.A. and also damaged the solar system. Joey’s medicine is necessary for his very life. It needed to be refrigerated. Those in charge kept the generator going but were aware that there was limited run time due to a lack of diesel. Would the tree be removed so more diesel could be delivered????? Gratefully, it was. The generator was kept running and Joey is enjoying life as we read this. But what if things had not fallen into place? C.A.S.A would like to prevent this horror from ever happening by installing another back up system to keep the refrigerator working. They are asking for your help to install a solar battery system for the refrigerator. Please help them. Help all the boys at C.A.S.A. by assuring that crucial medicines can be kept safely stored at approved temperatures.